ADHD gæti allt eins heitið HRON (hljómsveit Reykjavíkur og nágrennis). Hópurinn var settur saman á efnafræðistofu í úthverfi borgarinnar og hefur unnið saman í áratug að sinni lífrænu, melankólísku en þó glaðværu og dýnamísku tónlist. Fimmta platan er tilbúin og þar sem öll sköpunargleði hljómsveitarinnar fer í tónlistarflutninginn sjálfan heitir hún ADHD eins og hinar, nema að hún ber númerið 5, og kemur út hjá Contemplate í Þýskalandi í október. Lögin á nýju plötunni eru saminn úti um allan heim en verða öll flutt á sama stað á Jazzhátíð Reykjavíkur í Hörpu á lokadegi hátíðarinnarr 20. ágúst.

Óskar Guðjónsson: Saxophones

Ómar Guðjónsson: Guitars, Bass

Davíð Þór Jónsson: Piano, Hammond, Synths, Bass etc.

Magnús Trygvason Eliassen: Drums, Percussion

Based in the greater Reykjavík area, ADHD is a four-piece band that consists of four old friends and colleagues. They have been working together in various projects and bands for over a decade. The chemistry between the four players was immediate and their debut album (the self-titled adhd in 2008) won them stellar reviews, as well as “Jazz-album of the year” at the Icelandic Music Awards.

Now, four albums and extensive touring later ADHD are finishing and releasing their 5th album in collaboration with Contemplate-music in Berlin.

The record contains 8 songs that were written all over the place; a few were written in January this year when the band had a few days off on a European tour and got to spend those days close to Bad-Meinberg in Germany at a very good friends house. Others were written in the studio or at some home or…The songs are a very dynamic mixture of a lot of elements; melancholic at times, cheerful, soft, loud and everything in between.

ADHD performances, much like their live shows, are organic events and should not be missed.