Gilad Hekselman í Norðurljósum 12.ágúst kl 20:00
Gítarstjarnan Gilad Hekselman verður gestur Jazzhátíðar í ágúst næstkomandi en hann kemur hingað ásamt tríói skipað Joe Martin á kontrabassa og Kush Abadey á trommur. Gilad er frá Ísrael og hefur á stuttum tíma getið sér góðs orðs í New York jazzsenunni þar sem hann hefur starfað frá 2004. Hann hefur á þessu stutta tíma leikið með mörgum helstu jazzleikurum borgarinnar s.s. Chris Potter, Mark Turner, John Scofield, Anat Cohen, Ari Hoenig, Esperanza Spalding, Sam Yahel, Jeff Ballard, Gretchen Parlato, Avishai Cohen, Jeff ‘Tain’ Watts, Tigran Hamasyan, Aaron Parks and Greg Hutchinson. Gilad ferðast mikið með hljómsveit sinni og leikur á helstu klúbbum New York borgar sem og stórum jazzhátíðum um allan heim.
Gilad Hekselman has quickly developed a reputation as one of the most promising guitarists in New York since his arrival in 2004. After only a few years, this native Israeli has shared the stage with some of the greatest artists in the New York City jazz scene including Chris Potter, Mark Turner, John Scofield, Anat Cohen, Ari Hoenig, Esperanza Spalding, Sam Yahel, Jeff Ballard, Gretchen Parlato, Avishai Cohen, Jeff ‘Tain’ Watts, Tigran Hamasyan, Aaron Parks and Greg Hutchinson. He has performed at all of the major jazz clubs in New York City, and tours the world constantly with his band, and as a sidemen. He has released multiple albums to critical acclaim including SplitLife (Smalls Records) Words Unspoken (LateSet Records) Hearts Wide Open, This Just In and Homes (Harmonia Mundi).