Day 4 – August 15

Mathias Eick Quintet – Norðurljós kl 21:00


Norski trompetleikarinn Mathias Eick verður gestur Jazzhátíðar í ár ásamt kvintetti sínum. Eick er ein skærasta stjarna ECM útgáfunnar eftir hljómdiskana The Door (2007) og Skala (2010) þar sem hann vakti athygli með lýrískum og kraftmiklum leik. Á nýjasta hljómdiski sínum leitar hann fanga í víðáttu miðvesturríkja Bandaríkjanna með meiri áherslu á akústíkina en með sömu ljúfsáru og einlægu spilamennsku og á fyrri diskum.

Norwegian trumpeter Mathias Eick pays tribute to the North American Midwest in an album of intensely melodic compositions which reflect thematically upon journeys and homecomings both literal and spiritual.
The album Midwest was recorded at Oslo’s Rainbow Studio and produced by Manfred Eicher. It’s Mathias Eick’s third ECM album as a leader, following on from The Door (recorded 2007), and Skala (recorded 2009-2010).

Throughout, the compositions and the overarching concept provide an optimal context for the special qualities of Eick’s trumpet soloing – the strong yet melancholy-tinged singing tone, by now immediately identifiable, in this case yearning for home.
The lineup includes amongst Norway´s finest musicians

Mathias Eick (trumpet), Torstein Lofthus (drums), Håkon Aase (violin), Audun Erlien (guitar and bass guitar), Andreas Ulvo (piano)