Richard Andersson and Andreas Fryland feat Aaron Parks DK/US
Tríóið leikur blöndu eigin tónsmíða Richards og Aarons auk gullkorna úr safni jazzins.
Trommarinn Andreas Fryland og bassaleikarinn Richard Anderson haf þróða með sér áreynslulausan hugsanaflutning í samspili sínu undanfarinn áratug. Þeir hafa komið fram með mörgum helstu jazzleikurum Dana auk fjölmargra alþjóðlegra listamanna.
Píanistinn Aaron Parks frá Seattle hefur verið í framlínu nýrrar kynslóðar jazzleikara síðastliðinn áratug. Hann hefur undanfarin misseri leikið með Kurt Rosenwinkel og er meðlimur í hljómsveitinni James Farm með Joshua Redman og fleirum. Hingað kemur Aaron beint frá Kaupmannahöfn þar sem hann hefur verið gestur JazzDanmark og leikið listir sínar einn og með dönskum. Á Jazzhátíð Reykjavíkur kemur hann fram á tónleikum með bassaleikaranum Richard Anderson og trommaranum Andreas Fryland sunnudaginn 17. ágúst. Einnig gengur Aaron til liðs við Kaupmannahafnarkvartett Sigurðar Flosasonar 19. ágúst.
Nýlega er komin út sólóplata Aarons – Arborescence, hjá ECM
This trio plays a mix of old standards, original jazz conpositions and original compositions by Aaron Parks and Richard Andersson. The red thread is the love for good and strong melodies played with fresh harmonization’s and rhythmic displacements.
The two musicians from the Danish jazz scene, drummer Andreas Fryland and bassist Richard Andersson, have worked together for a decade, which shows in their almost telepathic way of playing together. They have both played with numerous Danish and international jazz stars as Tomas Franck, Christina Von Bülow, Jef (Tain) Wats, George Garzone among others.
Seattle pianist Aaron Parks has been an important part of the new international generation of jazz musicians for the last decade. He has toured with Kurt Rosenwinkel and James Farm (including Joshua Redman). Aaron visits after a residency with Jazz Danmark at the Copenhagen Jazz Festival. At the Reykjavik Jazz Festival he will perform with bassist Richard Anderson and drummar Andreas Fryland on Sunday August 17th and on the 19th he will join forces with the Copenhagen Quartet of altoist Sigurdur Flosason.
Check out Aarons new solo piano album – Arborescence, on ECM