Hin nýstofnaða sveit ANNES leikur nú í fyrsta skipti á jazzhátið Reykjavíkur en kvintettinn er samsettur af nokkrum þungaviktarmönnum í íslensku jazzlífi. Efnisskráin er frumsamin af meðlimum sveitarinnar og blandast þar saman leikandi laglínur, rótsterkir ryþmar og rymjandi rómantík í kosmískt flæði þar sem rafmagn og akústík fallast í faðma.

The recently formed ANNES plays the Reykjavik Jazz Festival for the first time. Among them, the members of the band however probably have logged more hours at the festival than any band can claim. They are the back bone of the Icelandic music scene and present an original program of playful melodies, industrial strength rhythms and a harmonious romantic cosmic flow where electronics and acoustics become one.

Ari Bragi Kárason: Trumpet

Jóel Pálsson: Saxophone

Eyþór Gunnarsson: Piano and various electric keyboards

Guðmundur Pétursson: Guitar

Einar Scheving: Drums.