
Borgarbókasafn Grófinni – Roundtable: Gender Balance

Á fjórða degi Jazzhátíðar verður boðið upp á nokkra viðburði sem eru ókeypis og opnir fyrir alla. Þetta er einn þeirra og fer hann fram í Borgarbókarsafninu Grófinni. Smelltu hér fyrir miðasölu á kvölddagskrána.

Roundtable: Gender Balance

Nemendur frá Tónlistarskóla Seltjarnarnes flytja nokkur lög.
– Stefanía Helga Sigurðardóttir (píanó), Þóra Birgit Bernódusdóttir (bassi), Eva Kolbeins, (trommur) .

Ros Rigby, fyrrum forseti Europe Jazz Network leiðir spjall um kynjahalla í jazzi og aðgerðir til úrbóta. Eitt af hennar hjartans málum meðan hún var forseti EJN var að gefa út Gender Balance Manifesto sem meðlimir EJN gætu stutt og fylgt.

*Þessi viðburður fer fram á ensku og er hann ókeypis og opinn öllum.


Um Ros Rigby:

Ros Rigby was the first Performance Programme Director at the iconic UK music venue, Sage Gateshead, with responsibility for all areas of popular and contemporary music; from the opening of the venue in 2004 she and her team established a number of successful annual festivals, including the Gateshead International Jazz Festival. She chose to step down from her full-time role at Sage Gateshead at the end of July 2016, after which she has worked as a freelance programmer, producer and consultant, as well as taking on various Board roles in the UK and beyond.

Ros was elected to the Board of Europe Jazz Network in 2011, the EU funded network of 150 festivals, clubs and national organisations working in jazz across 35 countries in Europe, was elected as President in 2014 and re-elected for a second term in 2016. During this period she led on the drafting of a Manifesto on Gender Balance in Jazz which was adopted by an overwhelming majority at the EJN General Assembly in 2018. After her term came to an end at that event, she was asked to continue as an Honorary Member of the network. She also joined the Board of the Jazz Promotion Network, bringing together jazz activists from across the UK and Ireland, in June 2018.