Cold Front

Á síðustu misserum hefur Björn Thoroddsen stimplað sig inn í hina alþjóðlegu gítarhringiðu og leikið með listamönnum á borð við Philip Catherine, Tommy Emmanuel, Leni Stern, Kazumi Watanabe.

Geisladiskurinn The Journey kom út í Kanada á árinu og er afrakstur samstarfs Björns Thoroddsen og þarlendra jazzleikara. Björn hefur verið með annan fótin í Kanada undanfarin ár og kemur hér fram með bróðurpartinum af kanadískri hljómsveit sinni.

Will Bonness – píanó –  hefur leikið með Maynard Ferguson, Regina Carter, Avishai Cohen og Lionel Loueke. Hefur verið tilnefndur til Western Canada Music Awards. Will er professor við University of Manitoba.

Richard Gillis – trompet – er stofnandi, listrænn stjórnandi og stjórnandi Winnipeg Jazz Orchestra. Richard er professor við University of Manitoba.

Jóhann Hjörleifsson – trommur – leikur með Stórsveit Reykjavíkur, Sálinni og fjölda annarra hljómsveita.

Jón Rafnsson – bassi –  leikur með  Guitar Islancio, Hot Eskimos og fjölda annarra hljómsveita.

Björn Thoroddsen picked up his first guitar at age 10, touring as a soloist or with his band all around the world and has released a number of critically acclaimed albums. He has won several Icelandic music awards, including “Jazz Performer of the Year” in 2003, He has collaborated with stellar jazz musicians such as Niels-Henning Örsted Pedersen, Tommy Emmanuel, Kazumi Watanabe.

Will Bonness has performed abroad with Maynard Ferguson, Regina Carter, Avishai Cohen (trumpet) and Lionel Loueke. His debut recording, Subtle Fire was nominated for Jazz Recording of the Year at the Western Canada Music Awards in 2010. Will is a professor of jazz piano at the Destautel Faculty of Music at the University of Manitoba.

Richard Gillis is co-founder and Artistic Director of the Winnipeg Jazz Orchestra, and brass chair at the Desautels Faculty of Music at the University of Manitoba.

Jóhann Hjörleifsson is one of Iceland’s finest drummers, a regular member of The Reykjavik Big Band, pop group Sálin, as well as being a favorite on the local recording scene.

Jón Rafnsson plays his bass in a variety of situations, lately with Guitar Islancio and Hot Eskimos.