Los Bomboneros (IS)


Reykjavík Jazz is very happy to announce Los Bomboneros in concert this year. The band played in a big band setting two years ago and the audience was ecstatic, the roof was about to come off the Harpa concert hall.

Los Bomboneros is a band of four talented musicians. Alexandra Kjeld (singing, bass), Daníel Helgason (tres cubano, guitar), Kristofer Rodriguez Svönuson (percussion) and Sigrún Kristbjörg Jónsdóttir (trombone, violin). Their flavour consists of both original music and music local to Central and South America.

The band is releasing their first album called ¡Mambó! and will have their release concert at this year’s festival. Special guests are: Sólveig Morávek (flute, clarinet) and Matthías Hemstock (percussion).

Alexandra Kjeld : double bass/vocals
Daníel Helgason : tres/guitar
Kristofer Rodriguez Svönuson : percussion
Sigrún Kristbjörg Jónsdóttir : trombone/violin
Sólveig Morávek : flute/clarinet
Matthías Hemstock : percussion


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