Hljómsveitin Defekt var stofnuð í Gautaborg 2008 af tónlistarmönnum frá Finnlandi, Íslandi og Noregi. Defekt nýtir sér stílbrigði úr fjölmörgum áttum eins og kemur vel fram á fyrstu plötu þeirra “Pete’s Game Machine” sem kom út hjá finnsku útgáfunni Eclipse 2010. Það eru ekki einungis áhrif mismunandi tímabila og heimkynna tónlistarinnar sem eru áberandi í tónlist Defekt heldur er þar líka að finna áhrif frá tölvuleikjum og vísindaskáldskap.
“Flest lögin bjóða uppá sérlega þétta samvinnu bassa og trommu. Saxófónninn og gítarinn sauma sig svo í gegnum músíkina í fullkomnu jafnvægi taumleysis og þekkingar”. -Paul Acquaro, Free Jazz Blogspot
Pauli Lyytinen (FIN) – saxophones, EWI, effects
Sigurdur Rögnvaldsson (ICE) – guitar, effects
Joonas Kuusisto (FIN) – acoustic bass guitar
Øyvind Hegg-Lunde (NOR) – drums
DEFEKT was formed in Gothenburg in 2008 and includes four personal and innovative musicians from Finland, Iceland and Norway.
DEFEKT’s own composed music is a subtle mixture of musical elements from jazz, rock, alternative pop and free improvisation. The melodies are mostly simple and singable which, in contrast to underlying dense rhythms and counter melodies, makes the music both simple and complex at the same time. The saxophone and guitar sounds are often expanded with the use of effects, while the bass and drums together create an organic foundation. In addition, influences from old computer game music and science fiction books give their music an extra dimension.
DEFEKT’s musical approach is based on intensive interaction and improvisation in the moment – yet keeping an open-minded surf attitude!
DEFEKT has toured actively in Finland, Estonia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland. Their debut album ”Pete’s Game Machine” was released 10th of September 2010 on the Finnish record label Eclipse Music.
“Most of the tracks feature tight rhythms between the drum and bass. The guitar and sax provide passages of melodic interplay and inspired solos that mix just the right amount of rock abandon with technical know how.”
-Paul Acquaro, Free Jazz Blogspot